1-Week Milestone

One week ago today I reported to the Mayo Clinic for a craniotomy.  An amazing surgical team and fantastic staff awaited me. Also, a 6-hour surgery followed by a difficult recovery and 3 nights in ICU. 

And the tumor was removed! YEA!

How incredible is that? I still can’t comprehend how it all happened and how I am able to walk on the beach less than a week after surgery. The gifted surgeons, the resilient human body, and the thoughts and prayers of so many people have all made this possible. As I said before, I am so blessed to have been given this opportunity!   

I am thankful for my daughters and their families who rearranged their schedules to make sure I was taken care of for the last week. (And that’s not an easy task to do!) It certainly did take an extended family to make this all happen. Day care, in-laws, babysitters, friends, and very flexible sons-in-law. Thank you!

I am still swollen and bruised. It’s too early to tell if the vision has been restored. The Frankenstein look should fade by Halloween though. Think I’ll go with a different costume this year 🙂

The surgeon described the tumor as a ‘tenacious little bugger’ that was entwined in tissue, vessels, the optic nerve and very near the pituitary and carotid artery. I will find out more details and prognosis at my post-surgery appointment on 10/15. Please keep the good vibes coming 🙂

Right now, it’s the recovery marathon I’m running. Very slowly, but still moving! I am told that it is, indeed, a marathon, not a sprint. We all know that taking it slowly is a personal challenge for me. I’m channeling the ocean surf and beautiful sunrises to set the mood for this marathon.  

Reminder to my Maryland friends: Last day to register to vote is 10/19. It’s our responsibility, we need to make our voices and opinions heard! And if you need some inspiration, I highly recommend viewing the RBG documentary available on iTunes. What an inspiring woman!

10 thoughts on “1-Week Milestone”

  1. Oh Marcia such good news from you and Steph! I hear your strength and determination…RGB indeed. BTW we LOVED that film and yes inspiring.

    We head off to VA tomorrow for John’s 50th High School reunion. Ours in next year…we should make a pact to go or at the very least celebrate it on our own. Let me know your email or cell so I can keep in touch. Otherwise I’ll have to keep bothering your sweet daughter on FB.

    With much love and prayers, Cathy

    1. So good to hear from you Cathy! I’ve sent you an email with my contact info. Looking forward to the 50th reunion next year!


  2. So happy for you. All I can say is you are incredible and the surgery more incredible. Keep up your positive attitude and I will continue to pray for you. If you need anything once you’re home, just give me a buzz. 410-879-1440

    Dot S.

    1. Thank you Dot! I’m doing well, trying to pace myself through the recovery. Looking forward to our next WSJ reunion!


  3. You are incredible…the surgeons were incredible…the procedure was incredible…and I believe your recovery will also be incredible! INCREDIBLE!!!

    1. Thank you, Margene, for the incredible support! Looking forward to our next GT luncheon!


  4. I hope everything is still going well for you. You are such an inspiration. Stay strong.

    1. Thank you George! All is going well. I’m just trying to pace myself through this recovery time.


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