
I’m headed to the polls in a few days. How fantastic is that? 

The recovery time has been the toughest time for me. Not the 3+ years of having a tumor grow in my head. Not the full day of pre-surgery tests and conferences. Not the agonizing morning of surgery day when I woke up with a sinus headache (really?)and couldn’t take anything for it. Not the 2-hour wait on a gurney in pre-surgery for a surgical room. Not hearing the surgical instruments clanging like pots in a chef’s kitchen as I entered the operating room and scooted on to the table.  Nope, it’s the recovery. 

Okay, in all fairness it probably would have been the first 24 hours after surgery, if I remembered any of it! There was a reason my ICU room was directly across from the nurse’s station! 

Why the recovery time? It’s just hard for me not to be running around accomplishing something. Recovery orders include not lifting anything over 10 pounds, not bending to pick things up, and just taking things slowly. Exercise? Walk at a leisurely pace. My solution was to stay at an oceanfront condo. Walking the beach every morning to welcome the sunrise was fantastic and therapeutic! Relaxing and going to sleep with the sound of the waves was so soothing. Now I’m just trying to figure out how I can make this a permanent lifestyle! 

As a retired teacher, I couldn’t afford to stay at the condo forever. I am so fortunate that my daughters live near and didn’t mind if I crashed at their places. This is where I really felt the sting of my physical limitations. I’m used to helping, always on the go. I have to be really creative to figure out things to do and ways to be helpful while not lifting, bending down or moving too fast. One of those things was to scope out great shows to share. 

It was perfect that during this time a dear childhood friend told me about a documentary on the Mayo Clinic that she had watched on PBS. I immediately watched it to learn more about the Mayo brothers and the history of the Mayo Clinic. What a wonderful organization! I am so thankful that my journey led me there. If you have time, it is worth watching. Their refreshing take on the health care will put a smile on your face! (It is also available for rent on iTunes.)

And the most fantastic news of all?  As expected, the tumor was benign! I have scheduled the 6-month MRI to make sure the tumor isn’t growing back, and I feel so fortunate to be given the gift to get on with my life! Now, if I could just get the feeling back on the right side of my head. 

I’m looking forward to voting, as I hope you are. Please take time to research the candidates and the issues.  Make your voice heard and your vote count!