Happy Thanksgiving!

I am so thankful for all of the people who have reached out to me during the last few months. When I started this blog, my intent was to share what was happening in my life for those who might want to know and for those who might be going through something similar. Never did I think that so many people would read and reach out via the blog or Facebook. 

I am…..

Thankful for my former student who goes out of their way to take me to and from the airport. Thankful for my longtime friend who drives on our adventures through distant towns to seek out unusual places. How fortunate am I?

Thankful for my dear friend and her husband who love my dog so much that they decided to be adoptive parents. The dog who came into my life at the very start of this adventure. The dog who filled the void when my husband passed. The dog who deserves so much more than I can give him now.  Lucky dog!

Thankful for my dear friend who drove me to appointments and accompanied me on numerous doctor visits, both in and out of state. Thankful she drove 6 hours each way to visit me during my recovery in Jacksonville. 

Thankful for my former coworkers and friends who kept my menagerie of plants watered and looked after my house. What a wonderful surprise when I returned home to find that they cleaned the house, filled the fridge with healthy food, purchased a therapeutic pillow for me, and even fixed a broken door handle. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve such friends! They are truly amazing! 

Thankful for the wonderful volunteers who took over the DI region for me, who lead training and respond to emails. Besides good friends and family, DI has been the one constant in my life. If you are not familiar with this this educational experience, please check it out at destinationimagination.org. Here you will find that students in kindergarten through university participate in collaborative hands-on experiences that empower them to become leaders, innovators and problem solvers. Having been involved with creative problem solving for over 30 years, I have seen students use the skills gained through DI in their college and professional lives. 

As each day goes by, as I regain strength and as my eyesight improves, I am so thankful for Dr. Quinones-Hinojosa, Dr. Bohnen, and the Mayo staff that not only put up with me but also provided such excellent care. After reading through all the surgical notes and consultations, I could not be more grateful for them. I am thankful they took a chance on me!

And, of course, I am very thankful for my family!

I hope everyone finds something to be thankful for this holiday. And I hope all of us can someday be the reason that someone else is thankful!

One thought on “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. Thank you, Marcia, for your words of wisdom and for sharing Steve with us at Cardinal Gibbons for such a short time. May God bless you always and in all ways!

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